on average
- Yellow soybeans: The biggest and the most widely grown group; commonly used for soybean oil and processed products like tofu, soymilk, and miso.
- Green soybeans (edamame): Early-harvested beans commonly used as snacks and for soy flour production.
- Black soybeans: Typically used for making simmered soybeans, sauces, dips, soups, and fermented foods.
- Red and brown soybeans: Less common, usually used for traditional Asian dishes and specific fermented products.
- Clear hilum soybeans: The varieties with less pigmented or transparent hilum (a mark where the seed was attached to the pod). While the color of the seeds can vary, the main advantage is the light hilum that doesn’t leave dark spots during the production process, which makes these beans preferred for the production of light-colored foods like soy milk or tofu.