Common types
Corn: Key Facts
Corn, also known as maize, is among the most important cereal crops. It is suitable for both small farms and large commercial operations, and its production keeps growing — from 1157 Mt in the 2022/2023 season to 1220 Mt in 2023/2024 globally. Due to its high adaptability, it is grown in a wide range of environments, with key producers being the US, China, Brazil, Europe, Argentina, India, and Ukraine. In general, this crop thrives in warm climates and prefers well-drained soils.
Corn is a key ingredient in numerous foods, such as cornmeal, corn flour, tortillas, popcorn, canned corn, corn syrup, and many others. In addition to food production, corn is also cultivated as livestock feed and for industrial applications, such as biofuels, biodegradable plastics, ethanol, industrial chemicals, and fibers. Many farmers also incorporate it into crop rotation, for example, with legumes like soybean, to disrupt pest buildup and improve soil fertility.

Corn Phenophases and Signs to Look Out For
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